Wednesday, March 31, 2010
One Word..
I'm abbot reader of your blog and overall I love it! Especially your afternoon delights that brighten up my mid afternoon days but your most recent blog you have posted I just couldn’t understand the why of it.
You never mention the person you are thinking about but from what you say in the content of it I assume you are talking about your ex “Dog”…I remember a blog about him the past and the abusive relationship you to had so it upset me to see that you still think of him…Why would you ever want him to cross your mind or you on his at any moment. I have never myself been in your situation but I don’t think I would have any type of feeling for him at all. I would rather see him suffer than to wonder if he’s thinking of me…or if things would be different if he didn’t do this or he didn’t do that.
I think sometimes as women we fall so in love with love that we for get what love really is how it hurt us in more than one way. I fell like you are so blinded by your forgiveness for him that you aren’t looking at the whole picture. I know the saying says that u must forgive to more on and have peace but him crossing your mind can’t be bring peace to your heart at all. I once thought you were the kind of person that I surround myself with you truly reminded me of my friends but after your last post I see now that I was wrong…You come across as so strong minded and powerful but I guess that was all a front for the audience after that do you think f my blog I can’t relate to you at all
Miss BrownSugaBaby
At first i wasn't going to respond to this email but after sitting on it for a couple of hours i decided i have some thing that needs to be said about this whole "Dog" situation at hand not only for Miss BrownSugababy but for other who might feel this way about my thoughts or anything else involving him. I respect everyone opinion of the whole situation with him but until you have stood in my shoes and walked a mile in them you will never really understand my thought at all. Those years i was on and off with him was the longest years of my life and i don't and shall never relive them ever in life but i have since moved on from them, of course they are craved in my brain forever but i can't let the past enter into my right now. I went through the i hate myself for letting this happen, i hate him for putting me through it and the sad phase but i came a point in my life I decided to forgive him or be angry forever. So i forgave him in more than one way it brought peace to me and i am now able to move on in my life and not be worry about the next relationship i have turning into that one. We had good time it may not have been many of them but we shared them....we shared bad ones and i had love for him then and i still have luv for him now...Not the kind of love that would lead me back to him....just love Even though what happened..happened he still was there for me in some of the rough moments in my life he wasn't a monster everyday of the week. I'm sure u can get that impression from any of the things i have written about him, i never share anything else about him but that's besides the point...I think of him because he left an impression on my heart and my mind..I deal with getting over things and accepting things different from the next person and u are entitled to feel any type of way about my feeling for him but this how i feel and u can either take it or leave it alone..
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Do You Think Of Me?

Afternoon Delight NBA Edition..
Friday, March 26, 2010
Did We Just Forget About Him?

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Who's Your Daddy?

Is you say Daddy’s home, home for me
And I know you’ve been waiting for this love in your day
You know your daddy’s home,and it’s time to play
So you ain’t got to give my loving away
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy
So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy
Hey hey hey daddy
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Adventures OF Jail Bird

Friday, March 19, 2010
I Love Him

Afternoon Delight NBA Edition..
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Question Of The Day
Afternoon Delight NBA Edition..
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mis Pensamientos Arbitrarios

Friday, March 5, 2010
Super Modelquin!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Want It!!!!!
How soon not now becomes never.
Martin Luther
Are you a procrastinator, I AM. But I vow today that this word will no longer define me. There have been many occasions that my not now became never, that my great ideas were not seen through to completion and that opportunities were lost because of procrastination. But today I declare, no more will I let myself down. We live a large part of our lives worrying about letting other people down, but we must first learn how not to let ourselves down. As you must love yourself before you can truly love another so to you must learn to fully be committed to yourself before you can be and make commitments to others.
No more putting off the greatness that God has for you.
Take a moment to consider what you have just read and breathe. Have a wonderful day and a blessed week.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Afternoon Delight NBA Edition..
Monday, March 1, 2010
Glamorous or Awareness?
I tune in religiously to Mtv to catch 16 and pregnant, if you haven't seen the show each episode is about a different teenage girl and her trails and tribulations being a teenager and pregnant. the show taps into there family lives, personal lives and life before and after they give birth. I'm long passed my teenage years but this show sparks interest so i can't help but watch it. Maybe its because I remember my teenage years like it was yesterday and i can't even imagine being any of these young girls situations and now even as an adult pregnancy still scares the hell out of me.