Thursday, July 22, 2010
I'm Not Ready!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Message Of The Day..

When people see your success and achievement and great creation
let them call you lucky.
Never let them see the sores on your hands,
the blood left on sidewalks -or
the sweat and tears that
helped all things happen.
Make sure you check him out over at Keep up with the Jones.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Do Better Mr. Owens...Do Better

So the first episode of this season aired a couple of days ago and of course i tuned in even though he drives me crazy with some of the shit he says and does i still like seeing him be Terrell and not T.O. that use to cross my TV every Sunday during football season. I listened to him be sad about him not having team to play for, i watched him cry about being single and how he was lonely and tired of it. My heart even went out to him as he talked about not knowing how to hold on to a relationship because he never had to and even wanted to shed a tear for him as he talked about his father being absent in his life. well, when the show ended and they showed the previews for the upcoming season I was angry at what i saw. So the same who was so hurt that his father never took an interest in him and cried about it...is a deadbeat father just like his own!! smh...He talked about not knowing or even seeing his toddler son Atlin.....Was this man serious?!? has the compassion I once had for him just went flying out of the window. I couldn't believe that he was doing the same thing to his son....His son who isn't his only child he has others but he was just what his father was to him to Atlin. I was surprise because most of the men I know who grew up fatherless are the greatest fathers ever and play the biggest role in their children's live just so they don't have to experience what they went through. Not only did he piss me off but i lost all respect for him.....how do you cry your heart out on TV week after week about your father being absent in your life and how it affect you but behind all that be doing the same to your own son? come on homie what ever sympathy i had for that man has certainly been blown away with the wind.....do better Terrell Owens do better...
and before everyone says oh he learned from his Father and just doing what he was taught...negative he has two older children that he takes care of and is very much in their lives..

Monday, July 12, 2010

I haven't blogged in a week..*sigh* I really don't have much to talk about anymore...lol.. or maybe that month of forcing the blogs out that has given me a little bit of writers block *kanye shrug* You know what maybe i do have a couple of things to say.
I have to admit that over last couple of months I have changed alot, all for the good i think, well others wouldn't see it that way but its all for the greater of me. I use to be so much more tight knit so much more guarded I have learned to let that down a little bit and try some new things and to my surprise i actually liked it...alot. I once would have sat in a room full of people or things that I just didn't get along with or just because to please the others around me, sitting and being miserable no smiles no talking just being there, I had to let that go asap it wasn't doing anything but bringing me down. I hate feeling like shit is being forced upon me and I use to do these things to please the ones around me but in the end I was the unhappy one so I cut the cord to that too! That might have rubbed some people wrong in my life but hey sometimes things ain't always about making others happy. I'm finally taking time to stop and focus on me, see what makes me happy, sad, and what I want to do with that. I had to cut out some of the things i was so use to doing like being every body's everything all the time. My mind and body was tired of trying to make the world happy without me being happy first. I realized it alot of things that i use to care about that just don't mean that much to me anymore. I use to but so much emphasis on how other felts about the things I did and said that it just mattered to me too much. I saw that some of the people around me was so concerned about how i needed to be there for them, what they needed me to do that they never stopped and looked at what I may needed at that time or so on...Now I see things so much more clearer...I see that I just may have been convenient to some people My life was full of alot of selfish people i had to let go, some of them i shall miss, others not so much. Everyday I discover something new about myself that I either suppressed or never recognized. I feel like everyday a weight is lifted off my shoulder as I grow and discover so much more about me. I've changed alot of bad habits and picked up a few too.....I've changed y thinking and some of my lifestyle...i needed change in my life, I needed a new me. I spend so much more time doing that make me happy...lol..some you may understand others probably not. I was once scared of change...... scared to let go...scared that people wouldn't like the person I would become but it took someone...it took more than one to give me a push on encouragement for a hand to hold so I wouldn't be alone. "You have to love yourself first in order fro anyone to truly love and know you. Know who you are and embrace you first before you can love and embrace world" So that's what I'm doing..lets see what shall come of it.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This Is Goodbye

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm not going to lie its only been two days and it feels kind of odd not to be wrecking my brain trying to find something to blog about *kanye shrug* but I refuse to do a blog a day thing again...well not do it 2 months straight!
I did extend the challenge to some others and 2 of them accepted the challenge..
JazzyJaz over at Me, My Blackberry, and the City and Starrla Monae over at herself titled blog Starrla Monae are picking up where unpretentious narcissistic left off at. Make sure y'all stop into there spots and check out the next 31 days of them blogging..I'm sure they will have some interesting things to get off their chest!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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