These fuckin' gas prices are killing me...fast and breaking my pockets...somebody get Obama on the phone.
I shall admit this class i'm taking right now isn't so bad i might enjoy this school stuff or...maybe not?
Oh Bird How i miss thee...I need a good laugh, a good massage and some good.....ha! u already know
I realized this morning I was so in the wrong with something but led him to believe i was completely right....lol...i'll never tell him.
I think i offended my male friend when i told him he will not be tattooing me at all..one because all this tatts look like jail house shit and two i don't want a dragon that turns out looking like a worm...nope..i refuse!
I'm currently planning...2 baby showers, my niece's birthday party, a girl night in and my birthday!!! someone HELP ME!
if lil richmond and i don't work out i will not date a man with kids and baby mamas ever again...cuz right now...yeah i'm over him and kids and baby mamas!
I wanna buy something..what idk but i just want to order it and it be on my doorstep waiting like xmas!
I have been going to the gym and I hate it!!! with all my being and passion i hate it...
i was diagnosed with the beginning stages of diabetes...i didn't know what to think at first but it has helped me change my life and get healthy....no worries for now.
I have been apply for jobs in different cities..Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles..... I'm over DC i need a change asap..new ppl...new city new things...
I haven't a drink since January and I have given up soda...but else is left in life for me to enjoy?!?
I have never been close my cousin Ley but lately it has been me and her riding strong....I enjoy our time together she gets me...and she's mean just like me! Ha!
I went against my better instinct and got a Brazilian done...chillllleeeeeeeeee...It will never happen again..i don't care much who in the hell like its that shit is not meant for me.....
The End!