Back in the day in my younger years the walk on shame was no thing...I'm lying it has always been the most treacherous experience ever. Especially when the whole damn neighborhood is wide awake when u try to creep out of whatever establishment your ass just spent the night at...and the whole world is thinking damn she ain't still got the club gear on looking like she just got the best dick of her life...lol...oh how i hate those damn days. You just want to sprint to the damn car and speed race your ass up and out of there hoping to never return...but then again if the shit was good your thirsty ass would be back. All of that brings back good and bad memories...
Now this weekend I once again participated in that damn walk of shame and I didn't like it at all. This walk accrued all because Epitome is always down for doing hood rat shit and never tells me no....Stop saying it not your fault right now Epitome cuz it was lol...ANYWHOOO...We got up with some of our out of town male friends who will remain nameless to protect there identities went clubbing and like little high school chicks we went back to there hotel room at 4am to snuggle....lol...and yes we snuggled and it was the best snuggle ever and stayed half the night giggling like lil school girls ....cool right...yeah so we thought it was until..Cue the dramatic music*the morning came it was time for me and Epitome to say good bye...So we jump up and head downstairs and that when we realized that We the BUNNIES were about to take the walk of shame...SMH..Now we tried to creep pass the front desk because they were extra busy...we hit the corner and it was 20 people standing there giving us the ole look at these heffas in there club gear looking like last nightfaces..So we put our heads down and walked out in pure shame but before we hit the damn exit the effin door man got us wit Good morning ladies...and I knew what he was thinking they just got FUCKED!!! Sidenote: Nobody got sexed up just sleep..laughing..and cuddling and shout out to my up north friend for being the best damn cuddlier in the world...dudes should take notesfrom him...Now I know We should have not have felt that way because in no way possible were we even an victim of the walk but dammit it hhhhhhuuuuurrrrrttttttt for the world to think we were the after club jump offs.... Now this was just one of our many adventures this weekend but this was the one that had us laughing our asses off in the club...maybe just maybe I'll be in the blogging mood and let ya'll hear about some the shit we got ourselves into this weekend!!!
And Shout out to Khaki for clubbing wit us this weekend...and for keeping her hand were it needed to be! ...lol..no homo
How is it my fault?!???! It's not my fault!!!!
I felt so fucking dirty! Did the walk of shame "smooth my hair down" as we walked out the door smh
thats why you gotta keep shades and a scarf to cover your identities. LMAO
I think I gotta blog about this wekeend too. LMAO
Lmao..I swear I luh ya'll. Should've given them the finger as ya'll walked out!
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