Yes that's all I want is for somebody to whisper some fly shit in my ear and for me to love it! Now I don't even know what this fly shit is that I wanna hear but I do kno when I hear it I'll surly know it and I will love the shit out of him for it. I don't want the stuff he spits to be sexual or nasty at all because i can get that talk on any given day. I need someone to whisper some amazing shit out the ordinary type talk....make me feel some type of way and shit...some type of special way. I guess I 'm looking for a guy who has the amazing ability to make me feel like his only one the only girl who matters at that present time. If u haven't experienced this oh you should and need to soon very soon. I want to find a guy who knows how I want to be treated and acts on it instead of me guiding his ass with it. I have 2 males friends who have this remarkable ability and I love it, every time i'm with them i never want it to end. When I'm with them its like i'm the "IT" girl...there phones aren't ringing off the hook,they're giving me there undivided attention and its like nothing matters but me!*bright smile* Every man should have this power it would be lovely and us females would be grateful. Its nothing worse than being entertained by a dude whose attention is everywhere but here with u. OK granted we all have our moments when our attention is elsewhere but we snap back...ASAP....some dudes just can't do that. Also when I'm with a guy who i know is entertaining others in his spare time i appreciate him making me feel like his #1 even if I'm not.....its the thought that gets me each and every time. I recently met a nice young man who had the same talent of making u feel like the only one and it was amazing. He managed to make me and my friend feel special and he was entertaining us both at the same time....Now thas talent if you ask me! not once while we were with him did i ever feel like i needed him to show me more love than her...show me more attention he did it right! Shout out to him for that one! I salute you. Now why can't I have that in real life and everyday...is that to much to ask for. Is it to much for me to feel special for just one moment in life...smh...
Is it just to much to ask the Lawd for a cute dude...wit a big dick, job, and to whisper fly shit in my ear? smh....
*giggling* i know who you talking bout and said person has been a ga'damn trending topic in blog land for a few days. crush?
lol@ khaki...I will say he is my Compute love crush!!!
well let me know how that search go C=
& A VEHICLE, let's not forget that one & NO KIDS**
Girl I love this post!!! When you found him, direct his friends to my blog LOL**
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