Now I can be honest and say I'm not a big Beyonce fan ..in fact I think she's overrated but when I look at her and Jay-Z together I respect there love. They have that Private love....that love that keeps the world guessing about them, I love that fact they never really talk bout there personal lives together...It keeps the BS out and what they have strong.

Will and Jada love....

Will and Jada have the kind of Love that I feel Jay and Bey will have in 10yrs...The whole world knows we are in love kind of love..When I see these two look at each other I see the love oozing out of them. They have the kind of love I envy...The kind of love I dream of, after all the years they have been together and all the things they have been through they still love just as in love as they did 10year ago and I want that too!

Kimora and Djimon love.....

Last Kimora and Djimon...I would have to say I love there unexpected love they have. I mean I personally would have never but her with him but it works. I love the fact he accepts her for who she is and the same goes with her. I feel there love was long awaited they just had to find each other and when they finally did it bloomed into a type of love I don't even think they can really explain but once again I want that too. I want all of there love wrapped up into one! When I finally fall in love I want to experience all that love all through my relationship. I'm a girl who just wants falling Love to be the best experience of my life and The only love I ever have. A strong love!!

true spoken words! C=
I feel you! The love is certainly a beautiful thing and should be something experienced by all. For real. I love when you can see a couple and feel the chemistry they have just being on the outside looking in. I think sometimes I have that "in love with the thought of being in love" syndrome that keeps me from it. But when I began realizing that, it made me more receptive so now it's just a waiting game for Mr. Khalil Kain to know I'm here LOL! Nah for real though...he is my want/need/desire in a man whew!
*cries* I sooooo understand this! I'm patiently (and sometimes impatiently) waiting for a love like that! Great post!
great post, i've been in love before.... just an unhealthy love, but yea I def want what Jay &&Bey have
Love is a beautiful things when it's recirprcated and not just a one sided thing. I look at my parents and I'm in love with their love. It just makes me happy to see them together like they are after all these years.
I love that you compared so many forms of love - I feel you too. I have been in love but at this moment I am in love with love - wrote a blog about it. lol. I love all that it is but I mostly admire the love that is unseen. the kind that takes some joy, pain and some work. The unseen that makes you want to work at keeping it. In the world we live in its hard to hold onto love and i want the kind of love that is worth holding onto.
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