this must happen....

I remember back in the day when it wasn't no thing to have a little thirsty dude all up on ass trying to buy me stuff..take me places and pay my bills but that was back in the day when i was young and dumb. I didn't realize how much in the future i would appreciate these suga daddy ass dude. Now that I look back on it i should have been saving all that damn money them stupid asses were giving me..shit i would be living lovely by now but like an ass i spent all of it on pointless things....well not pointless but things i could have brought myself instead of blowing there hard earned cash on it...lol...
Back in the day my suga daddy's consisted of shot callers, hustlers and dealer...man oh man they treated a sister good but then i grew up and let the bad boys go....Now I'm looking for my corporate suga daddy my man with no ties to the streets. He can be married, single or divorced. He can make 6 figures or 30,000 a year...who cares as long as he pays some of my bills and drops cash on me so I can live the good ole life.
Lawd please ole please bless me we wit a suga daddy before i loss my mind and be debt for the rest of my life!

girl, just take a trip thru thr hood and look cuter than the ghetto "my box braids are falling out" tricks and i assure you that a shot caller will be all up under you tryin to buy you the world : )
You can say that Again...Let the church say AMEN!!!
girl, that "Sugar Daddy" is USUALLY the one you would NEVER date, the one you turn your nose up at, LoL! so, sorta step outside the box, and go for what would USUALLY be a No No, LoL! Good luck =)
Shout out to my sugar daddy! I love he...
Nevermind that he's my real daddy too lol
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